We were privileged to have Randy Bell from 2 Pug Productions filming a documentary of the Ghost Wagon Tour on July 10th. Here is a sample of what he filmed:
You can watch the entire video on his YouTube Channel: 2 Pug Productions.
Our team was asked to roll the Ghost Wagon into an old Fire Station to do a preliminary investigation of some paranormal activity and apparition sightings. Some of the fire fighters there have seen some apparitions in the building, and one of them saw a full bodied man sitting in a chair one night, who vanished in front of his eyes. We will not disclose the identity of the fire station because it is still in use, but we had a very active Ghost Box session there.
Whenever you have an area like a fire station that has an ambulance parked in it, you have a strong chance of paranormal activity because of the death and trauma associated with fire trucks and EMS vehicles.
Come join us on a Ghost Wagon Tour of downtown Belton. The tour rolls most weekends, weather permitting. Go to the reservations section of this website and make a reservation to come ghost hunting!
This past weekend had over 130 people on the Ghost Wagon Tour in 3 days! The spirits were very active, and strange things happened to cell phones and electronic equipment.